Customer Satisfaction Survey Customer Satisfaction Survey It is very important for us that you answer our questions in our survey, which we have prepared to provide better service and correct solutions to our valued customers. Company Information The Company Name Field of Activity of the Company Contact Person Position in the Company Phone Number e-Mail Address Survey Questions 1 What is your opinion about the quality of our products? I am satisfied Meets My Expectations Improveable 2 Do you find the functional qualities of our products sufficient? I am satisfied Meets My Expectations Improveable 3 How would you evaluate the ergonomics and visuality of our products? I am satisfied Meets My Expectations Improveable 4 Do you find our product range sufficient? I am satisfied Meets My Expectations Improveable 5 How are the product technical functions capable of meeting your needs? I am satisfied Meets My Expectations Improveable 6 How do you find the interest of the sales team? I am satisfied Meets My Expectations Improveable 7 Do you think the communication techniques of the sales team are sufficient? I am satisfied Meets My Expectations Improveable 8 How do you find the competence of the sales team on product features? I am satisfied Meets My Expectations Improveable 9 To what extent do you find the product promotion materials sufficient? I am satisfied Meets My Expectations Improveable 10 Do you find the technical specifications of the products on our website sufficient? I am satisfied Meets My Expectations Improveable 11 How do you find the packaging quality of our products? I am satisfied Meets My Expectations Improveable 12 How would you evaluate the time required for your orders to deliver? I am satisfied Meets My Expectations Improveable 13 Do you think our authorized services contact you back in a reasonable time? I am satisfied Meets My Expectations Improveable 14 How would you evaluate the compliance of our authorized services with the general code of conduct? I am satisfied Meets My Expectations Improveable 15 How would you evaluate the adequacy of our authorized services in assembly and service? I am satisfied Meets My Expectations Improveable 16 How would you evaluate the time of delivery of spare parts and service adequacy you requested? I am satisfied Meets My Expectations Improveable 17 How would you evaluate our sensitivity to customer complaints? I am satisfied Meets My Expectations Improveable 18 Can you evaluate your trust in our brand? I am satisfied Meets My Expectations Improveable 19 Do you find our website sufficient? I am satisfied Meets My Expectations Improveable 20 Would you prefer AKINOKS company again when you need service? I am satisfied Meets My Expectations Improveable 21 Indicate the subjects that you marked as IMPROVEABLE in the survey questions. Product Groups If there are products in our product groups that you have problems with, please specify below. Cooking Equipments Preparation Equipments Cooling Products Countertop Products Bar/Transport & Service Equipment Other Your Opinions & Suggestions State your opinions & suggestions Submit